Travis Ash, Founder/Owner of T.E.A.M.
Travis Ash is the founder and owner of a non-profit organization that was created out of passion. Growing up in a small but very big city, Suffolk, VA, helping underserved individuals and people who may just have happened to be down on their luck was something that came natural to Travis even as a child.
According to Travis, as a kid he often witnessed people help some people and not help “certain” people at all. This type of treatment towards human beings was disheartening to say the least. “I wanted to be that one person that they knew they could count on, and they knew cared about them.” Travis wanted to be the lifeline and resource that individuals could come to for a hand up. He knew there were several organizations that provided resources and assistance specifically for women and/or children but there were few if any that helped men. With that thought in mind, Travis decided to form a non-profit that would provide a safe haven, resources, training and essentials for adults, especially men.
May 2022, Time Exposes Ambitious Mindsets (T.E.A.M.) was birthed.
There’s so much work we can do to help impact the lives of these adults that have at some point in life faced some adversity and subsequently became homeless. Travis’s goal with this organization is to uplift and rebuild. With the help of sponsors and community support, Travis looks to bring a shelter to his neighboring communities that will do just that.